
B.M.M. Project
The "Begin My Movement Project" (B.M.M.) by T.E.A.M. epitomizes a sophisticated, diverse, and avant-garde initiative in the realm of contemporary arts exhibitions. We unite local, out-of-state, and international Artists and Designers to foster an inclusive and diverse community.
T.E.A.M. aspires to attain an exceptional reputation in publishing and Artist and Designers development.
Enforcing strict hanging protocols, unwavering commitment to aesthetics, and meticulous attention to detail. This results in an immaculate, refined venue. This ensures a seamless experience for gallery owners, designers, architects, and collectors alike.​
While many galleries, event spaces in Miami, provide opportunities and exhibition space. During the ultimate, pinnacle of the art world at Art Basel and Art Week Miami. None can rival and match the unparalleled platform The Eclectic Arts Movement offers our Artists and Designers.
The registration investment is stated below.
Follow Instructions and Link to submit the Packages best suited for you.

1. MZS or Multi-ZEN-Sery Exhibition Package
Only 27 Artists will exclusively be part of the MZS or Multi-ZEN-Sery Exhibition, by T.E.A.M. at LUCID Gallery. This is a first come first serve basis. Only twenty-seven spaces are available.
After FIRST Choosing present Package, Artists may choose to partake in any of the other Packages Stated below.

2. 3-D Multisensory & Interactive Art Display Package
Only 11 Artists will exclusively be part of the Multi-ZEN-Sery Exhibition. This is a first come first serve basis. Only eleven spaces are available.
We first suggest a meeting with the Creative Director.
This Package if you choose to receive it. Your art must be evaluated to make sure it is possible on being recreated in a 3-D Form.

3. Solo Art Exhibition Package
Only 9 Artists will be given the exclusivity of a Solo Exhibition. This is a first come first serve basis. Only Nine Months out of the year gallery spaces is available.

4. Group Exhibition Package
Open to all 27 Artists. Admitting only 2 to 3 Artists per Group Exhibition. This is a first come first serve basis. Only Nine Months out of the year gallery space is available.

5. VISUAL Exhibition Package
This is for Artists that cannot physically transport Artworks or Designs to the Exhibitions.
Only 13 Artists and or Designers will be given the exclusive VISUAL Exhibition on a 72" Screen. This is a first come first serve basis. These Artists and or Designers will be showcased at the Launch, and Basel Exhibitions and with the possibility to be shown at the Goup Exhibitions.

6. FASHION Exhibition Package
Only 5 Designers will be given the exclusive FASHION Exhibition. This is a first come first serve basis. The Designers will be showcased at the Launch, and Basel Exhibitions and with the possibility to be shown at the Goup Exhibitions.
After FIRST Choosing present Package, Designers may choose to partake in any of the other Designer Packages Stated.

7. SOLO Fashion Exhibition Package
Only 5 Designers will be given the exclusivity of a Solo Fashion Exhibition. This is a first come first serve basis. Only Nine Months out of the year gallery spaces is available.