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Submission Form Below Letter

Welcome, Artists and Designers,


     We are thrilled to see your interest in submitting your artworks and becoming a part of our initiative. Your decision to participate not only showcases your artistic talents but also contributes to our mission of promoting inclusivity for individuals with disabilities who may not have the opportunity to experience traditional gallery settings.


     We want to acknowledge and honor your creative spirit and initiative in joining us on this journey.


     Whether your artworks or designs are selected for prestigious events like Art Basel and Art Week Miami at LUCID Gallery or not, know that your contributions are valued and appreciated.


     In recognition of your involvement, The Eclectic Arts Movement will host a group art exhibition ECLECTICO at FLAT Land Gallery, dedicated to showcasing your works and celebrating your artistic vision.


     Additionally, your artworks will be featured at M-Z-S Virtual Gallery on the Begin My Movement Website, providing detailed information about each participating artist.


     We extend our sincere gratitude to all the artists who have joined us, and we eagerly anticipate the opportunity to admire and showcase your artworks and designs.


     Thank you for being a part of our movement towards greater inclusivity and appreciation for diverse artistic expressions.



The T.E.A.M. Committee

T.E.A.M. Submission Form

Begin My Movement!

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Artworks and or Designs 7, 8 and 9 are only needed if they are being created specifically for Art BASEL.


And you are demonstrating what you are look forward in presenting in November. (These could be preliminary drawings or designs)

Upload IMAGE
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Upload IMAGE

Your Movement has begun.

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